Community Cares exists to help those in need within the Community.
We are a group of volunteers who visit the lonely and the bereaved whom we support and befriend for as long as needed.
We also phone the over 80s regularly at Rosh Hashanah, Chanukah and Pesach to check they are coping well and to wish them a good Yom Tov.
At Pesach too, we deliver matzos and a Tesco Gift Card to those who particularly need extra help at that time of year.
We have volunteers who visit members in hospital and at home where necessary.
On 25th December, a team goes into Whipps Cross Hospital to help with the sick and lonely.
We send greeting cards on special birthdays and anniversaries. If other help is required, we endeavour to provide it where we can.
All Community Cares members are fully trained and DBS cleared.
To contact us, call 020 8504 1990 and choose Option 5