Providing Support to one another is a vital part of our community at all times, but particularly during the current corona crisis.
In the first instance, you can always contact the Rabbi, Helping Hands (Community Cares), JAMI ambassador and other services by calling the office switchboard 0208 504 1990 and choosing the relevant option. If we can't help, we can signpost and refer you to others who can.
Some of the support services we can offer:
Pastoral Care and Support
Your Rabbi and Rebbetzen are here to help - contact them in strictest confidence for support. Option 2 on the office number.
Practical Help and Support
Helping Hands can arrange befriending, shopping help, errands, and other practical support. Option 8 on the office number.
Financial Help and Support
We do not have a specific fund but can signpost you to suitable resources. Contact us if you need help and we can work with you to try to get you the help you need.
Community Cares (now called Helping Hands)
We are continuing to support our regular year-round clients. Option 8 on the office number. Click here for more information on what we do.
We take safeguarding very seriously. If you feel there is something that you need to speak to someone about, feel free to contact our safeguarding officer on option 3 on the office number. ​
You can contact the relevant Burial Societies direct via Options 4 - 6 on the shul number or contact the Rabbi or Office if you need guidance. Click here for more detailed information.
Mental Health Support
Support from our JAMI ambassador, Andrew Marcovitch, is available in the strictest of confidence. Contact the office or Rabbi to ask them to connect you.
Hospital Visitation
We have an active Jewish hospital chaplaincy and visiting team in our local area especially Whipps Cross. If you need help with specific needs e.g. pastoral support, kosher food, etc., be in touch with any of the chaplaincy and ask for the Jewish chaplains.
General Office
Option 1 for the office or any other enquiries.